Post by tragedyleaf on Feb 15, 2008 10:21:02 GMT -5
If you're having trouble with names, come here. We have three sections: the pre-made, the list version -found below, and the guidelines.
I recommend using Ctrl+F, then type in the name (underlined) of the section you want to read. Remember, this is a really, really long list to scroll down!
If you're having trouble with names, come here. We have three sections: the pre-made, the list version -found below, and the guidelines.
I recommend using Ctrl+F, then type in the name (underlined) of the section you want to read. Remember, this is a really, really long list to scroll down!
The List Version
If you don't like the premade names, but are still having trouble, you can choose a prefix and a suffix from below to make your own. Remember that you may see some words as both a prefix and a suffix: be sensible :). Don't go making a cat called Snowysnow or something ;).
If you don't like the premade names, but are still having trouble, you can choose a prefix and a suffix from below to make your own. Remember that you may see some words as both a prefix and a suffix: be sensible :). Don't go making a cat called Snowysnow or something ;).
The Prefixes
- Acrid-
- Air-
- Alder-
- Ant-
- Apple-
- Ash-
- Asp-
- Aster-
- Arc-
- Arctic-
- Azure-
- Badger-
- Basil-
- Bark-
- Bat-
- Bay-
- Bear-
- Beige-
- Berry-
- Birch-
- Bird-
- Black-
- Blood-
- Boar-
- Bone-
- Bound-
- Blue-
- Borage-
- Bracken-
- Bramble-
- Broken-
- Brook-
- Bud-
- Burdock-
- Carrion-
- Chalk-
- Changed-
- Cheetah-
- Cherry-
- Cry/ing-
- Crow-
- Cold-
- Copper-
- Dark-
- Dawn-
- Deer-
- Dell-
- Dill-
- Dream-
- Doe-
- Dove-
- Duck-
- Dusk-
- Dust-
- Dun-
- Eagle-
- Ear-
- Ebbing-
- Eclipse/d-
- Echo/ing-
- Ember-
- Emerald-
- Evening-
- Fade/d/ing-
- Fern-
- Feather-
- Fin-
- Fire-
- Flicker/ing-
- Flower-
- Fox-
- Frog-
- Fish-
- Falcon-
- Flame/ing-
- Flare-
- Gale-
- Garnet-
- Gem-
- Ginger-
- Gilded-
- Glitter-
- Glow/ing-
- Gold/en-
- Green-
- Grey/Gray-
- Hawk-
- Heavy-
- Honey-
- Huge-
- Ice/d/y-
- Indigo-
- Jaguar-
- Jasper-
- Jitter/y-
- Kestrel-
- Kite-
- Large-
- Leaf-
- Lily-
- Lion-
- Lime-
- Marigold-
- Maroon-
- Mole-
- Mouse-
- Moth-
- Moss-
- Morning-
- Musk/y-
- Neat-
- Nine-
- Ninth-
- Nut-
- Oak-
- Obsidian-
- Ochre-
- Ode-
- One-
- Opal-
- Orange-
- Owl-
- Pad-
- Pain-
- Pale-
- Pallid-
- Panther-
- Paprika-
- Parsley-
- Patch/ed/y-
- Peach-
- Pear-
- Pepper-
- Petunia-
- Pigeon-
- Pink-
- Plain-
- Poison-
- Poppy-
- Puddle-
- Purple-
- Quail-
- Quick-
- Quiet-
- Quill
- Rain-
- Rat-
- Raven-
- Red-
- Ripple/ed/ing-
- River-
- Rock-
- Rook-
- Rose-
- Ruby-
- Rustle-
- Rust/ed/y/ing-
- Sap-
- Sapphire-
- Salt-
- Sand/y-
- Scarlet-
- Scream-
- Screech-
- Sear/ed/ing-
- Shadow/y-
- Shine/y/ing-
- Short-
- Silent/ce-
- Silver/y-
- Slight-
- Sliver-
- Small-
- Smoke/y-
- Snake-
- Snow/y-
- Speckle/d-
- Spot/ted-
- Spider-
- Spike/y-
- Stream-
- Stripe/d-
- Strip/ped-
- Sun-
- Sure-
- Tawny-
- Tan/ned-
- Tear-
- Terror-
- Tic-
- Tiger-
- Toad-
- Tone-
- Torn-
- Tune-
- Tusk-
- Ulcer-
- Umber-
- Under-
- Vacant-
- Vain-
- Vanilla-
- Vapid-
- Veil/ed-
- Vein-
- Venom-
- Vice-
- Violet-
- Vole-
- Wane/ing-
- Water-
- Wave-
- Whisker-
- Whisper-
- White-
- Willow-
- Wish-
- Wizened-
- Wren-
- Wolf-
- Wolverine-
X, Y, Z
- Yarrow-
- Yew-
- Yellow-
- Zephyr-
The Suffixes
- -acid
- -angel
- -apple
- -berry
- -blood
- -bound
- -breath
- -breeze
- -brook
- -chin
- -claw
- -cloud
- -coat
- -dark
- -dance/r
- -dawn
- -despair
- -deep
- -dream/er
- -eagle
- -eclipse
- -echo
- -face
- -falcon
- -fang
- -fire
- -fog
- -foot
- -fox
- -flame
- -flash
- -fright
- -ginger
- -gold
- -gore
- -hate
- -harmony
- -hawk
- -head
- -heart
- -honesty
- -honey
- -hunter
- -ink
- -ice
- -jaw
- -justice
- -jinx
- -kestrel
- -kit
- -lake
- -lavender
- -leaf
- -lion
- -lily
- -marigold
- -meadow
- -melody
- -melt
- -misery
- -mole
- -moth
- -mystery
- -nettle
- -nose
- -note
- -otter
- -paw
- -petal
- -peach
- -pelt
- -pear
- -poppy
- -pink
- -panther
- -point
- -poison
- -pool
- -print
- -x-
- -rain
- -raven
- -rat
- -rift
- -ripple
- -river
- -rock
- -root
- -rose
- -rot
- -sage
- -scent
- -scream
- -screech
- -seed
- -shadow
- -shine
- -silence
- -sky
- -slash
- -smoke
- -snake
- -snow
- -song
- -soul
- -spiral
- -spirit
- -spot
- -sting
- -star
- -stone
- -storm
- -stream
- -stripe
- -sun
- -tail
- -talon
- -thorn
- -throat
- -tiger
- -toad
- -toe
- -tooth
- -turtle
- -x-
- -vale
- -vein/s
- -weather
- -waste
- -water
- -wart
- -whisper
- -willow
- -wind
- -wing
- -wolf
X, Y, Z
- -yew
- -zephyr
The Guidelines
Now, I'm sure before coming here you've read every Warriors guideline there is to be had on naming. (Remember, this isn't an official list or edict or anything, just something to help out if you're not sure about a name ;))
Step One: The Low-Down
All Warriors names begin with a suffix and end with a prefix (Eg: Sparkpaw or Lionpelt) The prefix modifies the suffix... Have I lost you? OK, we'll review ;). Let's take the example name 'Frostkit': the suffix implies something cold, blue or white, or crystallised. So when Frostkit becomes Frostheart, it means 'cold heart', doesn't it? That's what I mean: the prefix ('frost') modifies the suffix ('heart'). You may be hearing more from Frostheart and his friends later on.
If you can't think up any names that you like, the list above is choc-full of names for you to choose from. (Oh, and if you choose a pre-made, do ask a staff member to strike it off the list if you don't want it to stay there :))
Step Two: The Choices
Now, if you're making a kit, apprentice, or leader, naturally the suffix is decided for you: 'kit', 'paw' and 'star', respectively. But when making a Warriors name, the main thing you have to worry about is, of course, the warriors name ;). There are literally millions of possibilities for you to choose from: most of the English language contains words that you can use. But, hey, slow down! Before you go making a cat called Substitutionarylocomotion, read this.
Most warriors names are two or three syllables: Mosspelt, Riversong, etcetera. Anything longer -take our poor Substitutionarypaw up there- and you end up with a mouthful.
And the cats don't take double compounds. 'Butterflypaw' and 'Redwoodbark' don't exactly roll of your tongue, do they? OK, maybe Butterflypaw does. But Butterflymelody? Using a word that's already a compound in your cat's name tends to end up a little odd when it comes to make them a warrior. Remember that compound words will be at least two syllables already, so you have one syllable left for the suffix. I would advise against using them. You can get a far better name out of Softmelody than Butterflymelody would, and Ashbark sounds nicer than Reedwood.
The best names also tend to be simple but effective. Our friend Frostheart is the most obvious example here: cold heart, describes personality, a-OK and perfectly simple :). You can go with Cruelfang or Bittersoul, but really, what kind of mother is going to name their child 'Cruelkit'? Not a great name to live up to, don't'cha know.
On the other hand, 'Frostkit' sounds perfectly normal for a cat with any white on them, or blue eyes. But that's just my two cents: and besides, 'Cruelfang' would work well as a name change, don't you think?
Taken that all in? Sitting comfortably? Good. Because now I'm going to dump you with more information: canon vs. non-canon.
I'll tell you now: some people hate non-canon names. And it's true, sometimes trying to be original comes at the cost of common sense (If you've ever seen a Chipmunktail or Catflower, you know what I mean). But it doesn't have to. See, a canon name is like the examples we've seen so far: Frostheart and his mate Mosspelt. But a non-canon name, like Arcticflash or Silentcry, tends to be a lot more poetic in nature. People who prefer non-canon want their cats' names to be original. Some people don't like them. I say, go for it! As long as it makes sense in kit and apprentice form, and it's within four syllables at the maximum, go ahead. No-one's stopping you :).
Well, that's it from me. Just remember these basics: try for a name of three syllables or under (your cats will thank you for it!). No matter if it's canon or non-canon, have fun with your names -though they sound better if they're simple and sweet. Don't be afraid to try out a name-creator once in a while (you never know what you might discover). And above all: stay cool. ;).
So, armed with that information, get on out there! Your cats await, my liege!
Now, I'm sure before coming here you've read every Warriors guideline there is to be had on naming. (Remember, this isn't an official list or edict or anything, just something to help out if you're not sure about a name ;))
Step One: The Low-Down
All Warriors names begin with a suffix and end with a prefix (Eg: Sparkpaw or Lionpelt) The prefix modifies the suffix... Have I lost you? OK, we'll review ;). Let's take the example name 'Frostkit': the suffix implies something cold, blue or white, or crystallised. So when Frostkit becomes Frostheart, it means 'cold heart', doesn't it? That's what I mean: the prefix ('frost') modifies the suffix ('heart'). You may be hearing more from Frostheart and his friends later on.
If you can't think up any names that you like, the list above is choc-full of names for you to choose from. (Oh, and if you choose a pre-made, do ask a staff member to strike it off the list if you don't want it to stay there :))
Step Two: The Choices
Now, if you're making a kit, apprentice, or leader, naturally the suffix is decided for you: 'kit', 'paw' and 'star', respectively. But when making a Warriors name, the main thing you have to worry about is, of course, the warriors name ;). There are literally millions of possibilities for you to choose from: most of the English language contains words that you can use. But, hey, slow down! Before you go making a cat called Substitutionarylocomotion, read this.
Most warriors names are two or three syllables: Mosspelt, Riversong, etcetera. Anything longer -take our poor Substitutionarypaw up there- and you end up with a mouthful.
And the cats don't take double compounds. 'Butterflypaw' and 'Redwoodbark' don't exactly roll of your tongue, do they? OK, maybe Butterflypaw does. But Butterflymelody? Using a word that's already a compound in your cat's name tends to end up a little odd when it comes to make them a warrior. Remember that compound words will be at least two syllables already, so you have one syllable left for the suffix. I would advise against using them. You can get a far better name out of Softmelody than Butterflymelody would, and Ashbark sounds nicer than Reedwood.
The best names also tend to be simple but effective. Our friend Frostheart is the most obvious example here: cold heart, describes personality, a-OK and perfectly simple :). You can go with Cruelfang or Bittersoul, but really, what kind of mother is going to name their child 'Cruelkit'? Not a great name to live up to, don't'cha know.
On the other hand, 'Frostkit' sounds perfectly normal for a cat with any white on them, or blue eyes. But that's just my two cents: and besides, 'Cruelfang' would work well as a name change, don't you think?
Taken that all in? Sitting comfortably? Good. Because now I'm going to dump you with more information: canon vs. non-canon.
I'll tell you now: some people hate non-canon names. And it's true, sometimes trying to be original comes at the cost of common sense (If you've ever seen a Chipmunktail or Catflower, you know what I mean). But it doesn't have to. See, a canon name is like the examples we've seen so far: Frostheart and his mate Mosspelt. But a non-canon name, like Arcticflash or Silentcry, tends to be a lot more poetic in nature. People who prefer non-canon want their cats' names to be original. Some people don't like them. I say, go for it! As long as it makes sense in kit and apprentice form, and it's within four syllables at the maximum, go ahead. No-one's stopping you :).
Well, that's it from me. Just remember these basics: try for a name of three syllables or under (your cats will thank you for it!). No matter if it's canon or non-canon, have fun with your names -though they sound better if they're simple and sweet. Don't be afraid to try out a name-creator once in a while (you never know what you might discover). And above all: stay cool. ;).
So, armed with that information, get on out there! Your cats await, my liege!
The Pre-made
Here are name suggestions if you're having trouble coming up with one. For apprentice or kit names you can take the first part of one of those warrior names, like 'yellow', or 'sun' and add 'kit' or 'paw' to the end of them.
These names will be placed by alphabetically (by beginning letter).
Here are name suggestions if you're having trouble coming up with one. For apprentice or kit names you can take the first part of one of those warrior names, like 'yellow', or 'sun' and add 'kit' or 'paw' to the end of them.
These names will be placed by alphabetically (by beginning letter).
Suggested Names:
- Acridsmoke
- Alderbark
- Appleseed
- Arcticsky
- Aspenleaf
- Badgerfang
- Basilfur
- Batear
- Beartalon
- Beigestreak
- Berrynose
- Berrystripe
- Birdsong
- Blackberry
- Blueberry
- Bluefoot
- Braveryspirit
- Blackenedbreeze
- Bloodroot
- Borageleaf
- Burdockclaw
- Cheetahclaw
- Crowspirit
- Couragethroat
- Cherryheart
- Creakingjaw
- Daringheart
- Despairnight
- Deepclaw
- Eagletalon
- Eaglewing
- Eclipseshadow
- Eclipsedfur
- Externalspirit
- Echosong
- Flowerface
- Foxtooth
- Frogmouth
- Fishscale
- Falconfury
- Flamingheart
- Greenspirit
- Greymoon
- Gingerfoot
- Goldenrain
- Hawkscream
- Hauntingscreech
- Heavystep
- Honeystream
- Icefang
- Icepool
- Iceshatter
- Iciclefang
- Jaguarclaw
- Jaguarstep
- Jasperclaw
- Jinxedheart [Name change only]
- Kestrelflight
- Keenstone [Irregular]
- Lavenderbreeze
- Lionmask
- Lilypelt
- Molestripe
- Mintwhisp
- Mousenose
- Mothdapple
- Marigoldpetal
- None
- Ochreleaf [oh-ker + leaf]
- Owlflight
- Orangefoot
- Petunialeaf
- Paletooth
- Peachpelt
- Pearseed
- Pepperpelt
- Poppyspot
- Paprikamask
- Parsleymarsh
- Purplesky
- Pinkpetal
- Pantherlily
- Pigeonwing
- Poisonheart [Name change only]
- Quickstep
- Ravenmist
- Rattail
- Redmask
- Ripplestripe
- Rosemask
- Redfur
- Redclaw
- Rainfur
- Rainpetal
- Rockstep
- Scarlettail
- Saltbreeze
- Shadowclaw
- Shiningfur
- Snakebite
- Smokefrost
- Sunstripe
- Sunflower
- Silentfoot
- Sunpetal
- Strawfang
- Spiketail
- Spikypelt
- Stealthstep [Name change only]
- Silveryspots
- Stripedtail
- Silverbreath
- Squirreltooth
- Tawnyfeather
- Tigerstripe
- Toadfur
- Umberpelt
- Venomstorm [Name change only]
- Violetfire
- Vanillafang
- Wolfclaw
- Whitemask
- Whispertail
- None
- Yarrowstem
- Yewsap
- Yellowlight
- Zebrafur
- Zebrastripe
- Zephyrbreeze